It was little short of a miracle that the USA managed to elect a black President. Even those within his own party who might not have been directly racist themselves must have been hesitant about giving their support to a candidate whom many of them must have regarded (irrespective of his obvious talent) as being 'unelectable'. However I don't think that such doubt and prejudices exist in the UK.
We simply need a black MP to be in the right place at the right time in order to become Prime Minister. However there are still relatively few black politicians finding their way through the ranks of local politics to seek election at Westminster. So there aren't that many potential candidates available.
The wisest leading MPs within the Labour party are staying out of the current leadership race because they know that it will quite some time before they stand any realistic chance of becoming PM. But once the Labour party starts to move up in the polls (with an increased chance of their leader becoming PM) watch out for DIANE ABBOTT. She's popular within her party, as well as with the media and large sections of the public. (She's also extremely intelligent). She might well be the UK's first black Prime Minister.
Alternatively, watch the progress of ADAM AFRIYIE carefully. He seems set to make his way up the ranks of the Conservative party, with the possibility of him becoming party leader and PM at some time in the future.