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Is Being Old An Excuse For Being Rude Crotchey and Curmudgeonly

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oscarina | 20:19 Wed 04th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Some old folk are kind others cross etc is this an excuse for being old, I will be old soon but hope I can have a youthful outlook on life and take my turn in the queues without muttering!


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I think a lot of rude and complaining old people have been rude all their lives.

Just got back from a sixteen-day cruise with the present Mrs Hughes and her parents. Almost every day, one or other or us would comment about how wonderful it all was, and how lucky we were to be able to enjoy it from a health and finance point of view.

My in-laws, Mum rather than Dad, moaned without fail every single day - most oif it utter nonsense - with my M-I-L finding the most obscure things to complain over, and sometimes to be rude to the staff about. The sad thing was, my wife confirmed that she had bever been any different.

I hope if live to her aige, she is nearly 78, i am as fit as she is, and my wonderful wife is still with me, and i will be grateful for my health, my family, and my freedom - but then, I feel that way now.
Oh, it's so lovely being old, cross and grumpy! One of the great advantages of being a pensioner. I practice every day!!

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