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Check out the Mosques

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anotheoldgit | 16:57 Mon 09th Aug 2010 | News
16 Answers

Should we also carry out investigations into some British mosques?

It may be surprising what we may discover.


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That's why the Germans lost the war (both of 'em). Why not just put surveillance into the place and find out what they're up to. They'll only meet up somewhere else.
Leave them be. I wouldn't be surprised if our security services have got them all bugged and under surveillance. This way they know who is coming and going.
I would be very surprised if most British mosques have not already been investigated. GCHQ can monitor every email and website viewed by anyone in the country.

Terrorists cells have tended to be close groups of half a dozen people who meet at houses. Extremist behaviour at a mosque would not go unnoticed. There is not evidence the 7/7 and 21/7 bombers used mosques to formulate there deadly deeds.
I would be extremely surprised if this is not already known to security services. Some mosques are/were better known for activities which were being monitored quite some time ago - I remember one of the mosques in Brighton was investigated many years ago when I lived there (although i don't now remember the details).
The mosque has been closed down, but there is no statement on any arrests, nor has there been any anouncements on any evidence.
So far the authorities have produced nothing, I find that rather more disconcerting.
Sounds like they've just closed down a likely meeting place, then, which means anyone wanting to will just meet in someone's back room.
Ramadan starts tonight - perhaps they think it's timely, since people will be going more frequently to the mosques for the next month.
I'm waiting to see what evidence they produce.
That's the issue I feel.
what do you expect to find in the UK mosques aog?
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Not sure what your point is, GCHQ developed PGP. If you are suggesting the terrorists use it to send secret communications, do you seriously believe the Security Services here and in the US would permit PGP if they were not able to unencrypt it?
We never had any problems in this country before they built the mosques. They should knock them all down. All Moslem children should be taught christianity and abide by our customs. The Koran should be outlawed just like the Russians did to the Bible. The imans should be tried for spouting out religious hatred.

Multiculturalism does not work, has never worked, and we should realise this.
Rov, the Rusians banned Christianity right up until the Germans were at the doors of the Kremlin, they then relented because it suited them for a bit.
We had lots of problems prior to Muslim immigration, I remember one picture of Churchill watching a gun fight in London with a soldier.
What are these English customs?
I often hear this, culture is not a static thing, it changes constantly, which culture and cultural values should they aspire too?
The values of the 60s with freelove?
The values of the 80s with greed is good?
Our culture has changed constantly throughout time immemorial, the suggestion that an Englishman from 100 years ago (I dunno, like Adam Adamant) would recognise Britain today isn't true.
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Rov 1200 - the first mosque was built in England in 1889 - are you saying that the problems started then? Why stop at just making Moslems "turn" Christian - what about all the people who are Hindu, Jewish, Atheist, etc. etc. ?

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