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Are You a lazy Answerbanker

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oscarina | 20:48 Tue 10th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Are you a lazy Answerbanker! Do you just go to Chatterbank or do you
try out all the other categories! Some really good posts that never get answered, give them all a try! I have had some really good feed back from Technology, Travel and Media and TV!


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Yes, I tend to come on here mainly for the inane chatter. For me it's a means of escape, though I infrequently venture over to other sections.
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have you ever been in 'Gift Ideas' under the 'shopping' topic. it is the place to go for unanswered questions.

I am not a lazy aber but when i come on ab there is an intent to be lazy
i'm so lazy i couldn't even be bothered to post an answer here

No,i usually put my question in the relevant category...
Its all happening over in Weather...
I'm completely lazy. Don't think answerbank really comes in to it....
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I get about a bit :-)
I go wherever recent posts tells me to, if its not up there, I am not in there
I spent about 18 months in other sections before I think I ever ventured into CB. I do know there are a lot of very clever people answering in other sections (not saying that they're aren't in CB too)
i`m with Cazzz1975, then i get distracted and forget what categories i was reading a post in Duh.....
I mainly stick to what I know (Which isn't much). So I dip into Adverts/ChatterBank/Media & TV/Music/Jokes/Quizzes & Puzzles/Sport. If I can't give any advice then I don't.
Mostly gardening, B & S and sport but have made appearances in most categories if I feel I can offer something...or make someone laugh....

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