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at what age ......

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rugeleyboy | 21:56 Tue 10th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
should it be for people to be "to old" to drive anymore???

my dads 87 and frightens the life out of me when i see him driving around at 3 mph??, the wife tells me everyday that i should take his car off him but its not up to me is it???

is it??.....


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take out the rotor arm..
yeah, just cut the arms off!
I still think that although the elderly might lose some of their quick reactions, they are far safer than overconfident young drivers who don't give a jot for anybody else's safety on the roads. There are far more unsafe young drivers than unsafe elderly drivers. They should only be allowed low cc cars until they reach 25 and don't use their cars as toys.
I totally agree with LoftyLottie! on this one! However, I would be more than happy to do another test when I reach 70! If I am not up to driving, then I'd be quite happy not to!.................So far, I'm fine!...........ten more years to go!..........
Lotty, I know you have a point, but did you see this story?
I don't believe driving ability is totally due to age. If that was the case why do we have accidents where age is not a factor. I have been pushed off the motorway by a coach, fortunatley no one was on the hard shoulder at the time.
God I wish my age didn't affect my spelling ability. FORTUNATELY
I don't think age per se is a factor either. Older drivers will often self limit their driving to fit their only down to the shops, not on motorways and so on. The boy racers round here terrify me.
And you are right OP, its not up to you to take his car off him, although if you are really concerned then a quiet chat from you might come better than from anyone else. cars are a big part of most men's and some women's sense of self worth...its not just the transport aspect.
I intend to stop driving when I reach 70. Over here in Spain after the age of 45 (if you have a Spanish License) you have to have a medical and virtual test, every 5 years. I have to boast that I have passed these with flying colours, with compliments from the doctors! but I do feel more nervous now and don't drive unless I have too.
Totally agree with Lottie, although some of the aged peasants over here are lethal drivers, all over the road and slow slow slow, which causes hold ups and bad tempers, ergo risky driving.
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I went through this with my dad who is 85. He has only just stopped driving only because DVLA got involved.
His driving was erratic and often when he drove to my house, he got lost coming and going home.
What made it worse was the fact he has glaucoma in one eye and cannot see properly, but all this did not deter him.
on holiday last year we were pitched opposite a couple who were both 85, they had towed their caravan from england to the south of france. they both looked really doddery but were sharp as a new pin mentally and we had many an interesting couple of hours in their company. their car broke down in france and their insurance company provided them with an audi Q7 to tow their caravan home, a car they were completely unfamiliar with.
on the surface, these two looked as if they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a car, but the reality was they were perfectly safe, confident, competent and able drivers.
Karen, There will always be instances of horrific things happening involving elderly drivers and they get priority now in the press. But the fact is they cause far less serious accidents and road deaths than young drivers.

Neti, we have elderly peasants here in North Norfolk too. They come out in their cars from the villages to the town market on Thursday mornings (the only time the cars get used). Most of them can't even see over the steering wheel. Mind you they rarely get above 10mph.

No, I am not one of them - yet!!
I have the same with my mother, she's over 80 and terrifies me so much that I now drive if we're ever out together. She has promised to give up her car when she's 85 so hopefully that will be an end to the problem. Your dad is probably the same as my mum and views driving as a sign of independence so maybe if you can convince him he will still be independent using buses and taxis. Also if he only does a low mileage there is the high cost of running a car and taxis might actually be cheaper.
When I applied for a new licence this year I was amazed at some of the elderly drivers there, one even had his son who must have been my age (well over 60) to help him fill in the forms and even help him to do the virtual test, he couldnm't even walk unaided to the room, I just hope that I never meet him on the roads. That is so totally wrong!
Elderly peasants in North Norfolk? Are they the same people who not long ago were derogatorily described in the press as the Turnip Taliban?
Don't live very far from the Leader of the Turnip Taliban Mike!
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