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sherrardk | 21:58 Tue 10th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Until we leave for our holiday. We are taking a touring caravan (never done it before) to the South of France with our 5 kids (who are 10 and under). Just how awful is it going to be?


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Poodicat - with 5 kids you have to anticipate what might happen next (makes it less stressful!).

4get - shadrack, BRILLIANT! (if you mean the Welsh bloke with spots - I am Welsh myself but unblemished!).
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Hi Craft - somewhere in the Ardeche? But don't (currently) have anywhere to stop tomorrow night (to far to go in one go).
have a nice time sherrardk. the kids will love it!
..I even remember the name of the campsite: Camping Criques de Porteils.
Have a lovely time! It'll be great when you finally get there! We've done it many times. If you are travelling over night the worse bit is tomorrow morning when you've reached France, everyone has had a couple of hours sleep except..........your husband!! Where are you going?
..I remember I thought the showers were bogs and p!ssed in one (I was 7 at the time)
Have a lovely time, Kids can be stressful, but we oldies were kids once. Enjoy your time with them.
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Hi yelenots - somewhere in the Ardeche? Don't know why we go to France as we can't speak French and don't understand their obsession with buying bread all the time.

It'll be great - just have to keep the wild child in check (one of the twins is completely wild - but lovely) - the others are no trouble.
sherrard the wild one will be ure shining starx
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Hi Poodicat - the wild one is ace (as they all are) - they are all dark haired and brown eyed and she has dirty-blond hair and blue eyes and is really titchy but her wildness is off the scale (when we all go out she looks like we have stolen her from somewhere).
I really hate it when we stop for fuel, we always have to go to pump No.1 as i can only say 'UN' in french! All the pay stations on the motorways are always on the passenger side too so i have to talk in french! Last time we went, on the way home at Calais port the police did an inspection of our car and caravan and passports, the children were scared stiff as they were carrying guns and looked really scary expecially as it was about 3am - still have a laugh about it now! Hope you'll have a lovely time at least it will be hot and sunny!
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French in a really strong Welsh accent is not funny (and I can't speak french)!
sure it will be fine :-) , just try not to get stressed and then you will have a great time xx
I think it might be 'cirque de portails'. I moved to France because it is mostly much better than the UK. It will certainly be warmer. If you are going to eat in restaurants eat at lunch time 12 'til 2 and have the menu du jour at about 12 euros each wine included. The best ones ore those with white vans parked outside. I speak from well fed experience

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