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The dinner thread

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stewey | 20:10 Fri 13th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
...........just got nuked!


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now no one will know what I had for dinner, how will I go on..?
That was in record time... ;-0
the work of the devil lol
There will be more opportunities cazzzz....
Does that mean you're not bringing me home a curry stewey?
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It'd be too cold by the time I got there, Jan.
Ok, chip butty it is then.
I just posted an answer and it said "thread could not be retrieved". Big Bro is really on the ball this week.

I had three e-mails from AB Editorial Team to tell me that I had subscribed to a thread three days ago and that if I found the e-mail useful I should acknowledge by saying thank you at the end of the thread. Or unsubscribe at the link given in the e-mail, The link doesn't work, and I am not aware of subscribing to that particular thread. I suppose I'll be collecting Ab e-mails from now on.

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The dinner thread

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