I think few people are missing the topic of this thread. For woman’s statement I would say that she was half right half wrong. Being a Muslim I believe good comes from God as well as bad, Happiness as well as sadness. And why few people still does not hate God after that is a long and different story that few (here) may never understand.
As for destruction, structure, aid to Pakistan is concerned, then being Pakistani myself I do agree with what my brother birdie has said. Since the invasion of Afghanistan by Russia about 30 years ago Pakistan’s rulers (military and elected) have all worked and acted to promote interests of the other countries and have not done anything for there own people. And they have been paid heavily by the countries they are working for. All you have to do to confirm that is look where most of those ruler’s own interest are, and where their families and wealth is. Start with Asif Ali Zardari and then look at Pervez Musharaf and Nawaz Sharif.