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given our ever growing population do you think that

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zzxxee | 08:00 Sat 14th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
in the u.k we should limit our number of children like they do in china??


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My husband and I have both worked hard all our lives (apart from when he stayed at home when the children were babies - we didn't claim any benefits then) we have 2 kids - we have alrge enough house for more, but we couldn't afford tohave more and maintain the lifestyle we want to bring our children up in mainly becasue we are paying for people who wont work to raise their own expanding families and think that they should be allowed to stay at home with their kids at our expense. I don't have any problem with paying to support those who need help in the long term and those who are able to work but find themselves in short term difficulty, its those who live of benefits and contribute the black market at the same time that totally frustrate and annoy me.
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i think the last government had a back to work interview scheme when the youngest child of a family on benefits hit 4 so what happened???
i bet lots of mothers who panicked and went on to have more babies.
More help is needed for working parents, we here stories all the time about if i were on benefit rent council tax ect would be payed , and by the time you take rent payments council tax on a minimum wasge job people are in effect working full time for around £20 a week !!!, no wonder loads of people choose not to work and breed baby after baby shocking !!!
You have to be actively seeking work when your youngest child is 10. They are thinking of lowering it to 7.

I don't think they should go much below that.
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is it ?? for some reason i thought it was 4 what made me think that??
Yes, and make sure the parents can provide and pay for them without any outside help, like they did in my childhood!!!
It might end up going down to four or when they start school. Still at 10 at the moment.

It's never going to be a fair system. I think they should be much harsher on absent fathers. Many women get pregnant thinking they are in a stable relationship only to find that once the baby is born that Daddy doesn't like the responsibility....Not really the Mothers fault. It's bloody hard going back to work with a little baby...even harder when you have no support.
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same for mothers who bugger off and leave dads bringing up the kids also x
Of course....but that is less frequent. Gingers sister abandoned her 4 kids on his Mum about 10 years ago. It's only within the last year that she's signed over the child benefit to her. Until she got a job (forced to by the benefits office) she was still claiming all benefits for fours kids she didn't have living with her.

Her and the father have never paid a penny towards the kids up keep.

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given our ever growing population do you think that

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