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Pedi-Egg - type hard skin remover

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smurfchops | 18:42 Thu 12th Aug 2010 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
It looks like an egg shaped cheese grater (yes parmesan) and i bought it in the £1 shop. I'm frightened to use it now in case I bleed. Do you use them on dry skin or after a bath ?? Do they work ??


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I think I need to get one. I have dire feet - like carmalee I hardly ever wear shoes. I thought the PedEgg was just another gadget, but you all say it really works!
My hubby bought one of these from the 99p shop(beat u by a penny!)He swears by it,uses it all the time and no complaints
I bought an original one at Xmas for my son's then GF. She subsequently lost it to her mum because it was so good.

There was something on TV a couple of weeks ago though about a load of counterfeit ones going around. Most of the them, it appears, are rubbish, so you're probably better off spending the extra and getting one of the JML ones.
After I've had a lazy spell with my feet I try and get to have a proper pedicure done then try to keep it up.

My feet feel fantastic after and I get some really great tips for doing them myself. My ex's parents got me a foot spa one Christmas so I tend to use that with some radox and sea salts in then dry off and use of of those razor things to take the rough skin off (tricky on your own though, where the ex came in handy!) then use a really good scrub on them to exfoliate and then some lovely cream and cotton socks.

The beauty place I go to does a fantastic hot wax treatment too and my feet feel gorgeous afterwards!
boxtops - do yourself a favour and get one -specially if you don't wear shoes a lot - honestly, they are brilliant and so soothing. I hesitate to say this on AB but a little self gratification is so good.
and I thought my wife was secretly eating pizzas in the bathroom, what a relief.
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Hi again, well I used the 99p Ped Egg (it wasn't £1 shop, I had another look) and it seems to work fine. So out you all go to your local 99p shop and give it a try. To help you find it, it is in a hard cellophane wrapper with a bit of advertising on the paper , hanging up. Sorry I can't describe very well, what I'm trying to say is its not just like a loose plastic egg ! Should be in the beauty dept though. Off to cook the spag bol now ..
the cheapos have tin graters that will rust if let wet but who cares at 99p. Dog loves the shreds - protein !
I bet I can pop a balloon with it though
I guess if you get a £1 one that doesn't work, then you haven't lost a lot. If it does work, well, fine.

Maybe it was just one type of counterfeit that was rubbish?

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Pedi-Egg - type hard skin remover

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