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Eek...! Stop stalking my fox, bibblebub;-) (but I'm not Fransk Räv no, I wouldn't use the same avatar on two different forums and you'll notice "my" eyes are so much purdier than Fransk Räv's:)
I don't really agree, Mosaic, I don't think it's right to take something just because you can. I named this post "stealing an image" as I wanted to attract attention (as in replies) to it but I wouldn't want to steal somebody's actual work. What annoys me is, like I said, when somebody uses a public domain image and claims it as theirs cos they've framed it or put a bleeding smiley in the corner or something. But thanks for wanting to reassure me, I appreciate that.
Thanks guys. Butch I like your avatar.
Damn you Chuck. Now I want a sorting hat for my fox. But it would fall off my good ear wouldn't it...