What type of sins are you allowed i.e. is there a certain amount of calories you can have in each sin? Slimming world is a diet I've never tried but I do remember my friend doing a diet that allowed her so many sins a day, although in weight watchers every food is pointed and this is done by taking the kcals and the saturated fat in every food and using their points calculator you can calculate each and every food. The difference is in weight watchers as the advert says "No food is a sin" This is because if you want to have a bar of chocolate, packet of crisps or even a glass of wine you can as long as you have allowed for them in your daily allowance of points. My friend used to do either slimming world or scottish slimmers and her sins had to be within a certain amount of calories e.g. if one of your sins is a packet of skips, they work out at two points or a cadbury's ripple is 4 1/2 points but unfortunately I don't know the kcals off the top of my head but know the points in loads of stuff (my mum's a weight watchers leader) does this help any? If you need to know the points in anything else let me know and I'll try and help. :o) x