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What has been your scariest experience?

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Answerprancer | 22:24 Sun 15th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
I have two that stick out in my mind..

1) Being on a plane that diverted to Damascus airport because someone said there was a bomb on it, there was a lot of running around and screaming and I was convinced we were all going to die.

2) Staying up all night nursing an automatic rifle because crackheads had broken into my friend's house (in USA).


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Being robbed at gunpoint (sawed off shot gun to the back) while working as a cashier. Yes, you do pee yourself from fear!
Too many to mention, the ones that stick to mind are someone being glassed or stabbed
having my daughter 7 weeks early by emergancy c section not knowing if she would make it.. she did x
Being held up at gunpoint in my home and being threatened with rape and having to sit on my bed while my husband was being beaten to a pulp.

Driving my daughter in the rain to change videos when a lorry went throught a red light failed to take a bend and came on to our side of the road. It seemed to happen in slow motion and at the last moment it pulled back onto its correct side of the road. i was convinced we were both going to die.
omg brinjal thats awful
Sadly after the robbery at home I now have locks on all the internal doors and security screens, alarms, electric fence and sleep with a gun under my pillow. I hate feeling unsafe in my own home and that was 5 years ago.
When our middle daughter was ten, and started voimitting and looking seriously ill. Visit to Accident Unit confirmed appendicitis, and surgery in the next hour. the worst bit was, as we followed her trolly to the theatre, the Nurse said "You can say goodbye to her now ..." and my rational mind kept telling me it was routine surgery, and my emotional mind kept saying "What if she doesn;t come back?"

Last year, driving to Glastonbury, I was in a seriously busy section of motorway, doing seventy in the middle lane. A car swung over from the outside lane without warning, and cut the gap in front of me from two car lengths to about three inches in two seconds. Without time to check my mirror, I swung over into the left lane to avoid hitting him, knowing that if there was anything there it was pile-up time - but there was space for me to fit in. i spent the next hour driving at 40 m.p.h. in the slow lane saying "Oh god ... oh god ..." to myself, and as an aetheist, that shows how deeply traumatised I felt.

Worst of all - complete nervous breakdown, admitted to psychiatric hopsital for three months, a year off work, and daily fear of never regaining sanity which had genuinely taken a holiday. OK now - medication for life, but never a day goes ny without the thought of what was, and could be again.

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