have just had a friend request from someone I was very good friends with about 7 years ago. She got into heroine and I tried helpng her, she used to turn up at mine when she'd been kicked out, I used to get letters all the time apologising as she'd got back on drugs again. In the end I shut my door to her, the only way she would sort herself was if she wanted to and on her own. Anyway she did sort herself out and then I bumped into her, got her number etc and after that she would get mad if I didnt reply to her texts straight away and act really spoilt. The one day she had a go at me saying that I hadnt said lately how good she was looking and how well she'd done getting off the drugs. I told her to get lost and that I wasnt going to praise her everyday for getting off something she shouldnt have been on in first place!! As I said that was years ago and now I have a friend request from her, what should I do, what would you do?
well, I'd have said add her and see what happens. What's the worst thaat can happen online? That you end up blocking her? And what's the best? That she's sorted herself out and is worth knowing again?