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Should we legalise drug use?

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sandyRoe | 06:56 Tue 17th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Society is clearly losing the war on drugs. If we were to legalise them one of the major reasons for burglaries would vanish overnight, addicts would use a safer product, and the squalid life-style that goes with trying to fund an addiction would no longer be necessary.


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I know a few like that. Never to try it again was probably one of the best decisions you ever made.

It's a seedy nasty drug and what it does to people is sickening. I was woken up one night by my mate...clucking (withdrawals) He asked me to drive him to get some and if I didn't he would. To get his hit he has to mix with prostitutes and pimps and the dregs of society. Opened my eyes...
there seems to be some problem distinguishing between those who would go out for an occasional night out and take a small amount of any drug on their night out (be it an illegal drug or alcohol) and those who are addicted to any drug (again either illegal or alcohol)

Occasional drug use is normally done by people that hold down a steady job, have no problems paying for their weekend habits (and if they are skint for a week they don't go out) and don't turn to crime to fund their drugs (I have known a lot of people that fall into this group, myself included in the past)

then you have the full on addicts (again either to illegal drugs or alcohol) who are those who can not function in everyday sociality, are likely to be out of work due to their habits and will very likely turn to crime to support it.

the first group are doing no harm to anyone (apart from giving money to criminal gangs because that their only choice) the second group are a huge strain on society and are the ones that either need help or need locking up (dependent on person, some would like to get themselves clean, they need help, some don't want to help themselves, they need locking up for the protection of everyone else.

It's also worth keeping in mind the whole reason most drugs are illegal is due to American paranoia causing them to swing their weight about by threatening sanctions on the rest of the world if they didn't follow them.
chuck, dont you think that some of the first group could potentially become some of the second group?

I know people who have done exactly that
I know someone who got a 240k compensation payment from the NHS. He basically blew the whole lot on coke...he's now living with his mother and is too paranoid to leave the house.
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I am all for the legalisation and control of drugs. Maybe if they weren't illegal things like this:

.....would not happen.
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I don't have any knowledge of chemistry really Eddie. I do agree (and know) that the producers of these new legal highs will just keep changing the composition slightly to avoid the law. If all the commonly used drugs (MDMA, cocaine, heroin and amphetamine) were legalised, then they could be controlled for quality and supply by the government. They could also be taxed quite highly to provide some much needed revenue for this country.
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I couldn't be bothered reading the whole thread wyz, so I have no idea what has or hasn't been said so far :)

I know a great deal about the 'drugs scene' through family and friends (and long ago personal involvement) and I know that the majority of recreational drug users would rather pay a little extra for quality product. You will always get the few who buy 'dodgy' stuff because it is cheaper, the same applies to tobacco and alcohol buyers. I know of several local idiots who sell counterfeit booze and cigs.
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