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Yo Salla !

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NoMercy | 08:52 Wed 18th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Hey there, girlfriend... great to have you back ! You were missed. :-)

How was your vacation? Did you meet any funny characters?


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Morning come Poodi is suspended again?
Morning people! Hi NoM!

Ummmm - no sign of fluffy yet is there? I reckon she's feeling a bit poorly......
lol...she's just posted on FB :-)
Fluffy has just commented on the lovely mushrooms on FB
And the oysters?!!
Jelly today people....
Poor fluffy!
Question Author
Is she suspended AGAIN !! lol

Is fluffy a little green around the gills then? :-/
Moi missed? How nice!
I had a great time - and no major injuries which is always a bonus. Except for cutting myself shaving (leg) I bled not. Much.
The greatest character was Pugwash's 10 year old nephew from Seattle, he was hysterical. Not in the precocious American spoiled brat way that I had expected- he was a genuinely funny boy, a great mimic, garrulous, loud, impulsive & accident-prone (a mini-me!!) We had some great card games of BS (the US version of Cheat). An exhausting holiday rather than relaxing - but very enjoyable, thanks x
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Glad you enjoyed it, Salla. I could do with a holiday right now. x
salla..good morning my love......Cheat is a fabulous game......I taught it to my kids.
I'm pretty brilliant at it, would you believe?!!
morning NM, this lot are being mean on FB! and i'm more than a little green, you lot are bar stewards, i actually feel a little (only a little mind) guilty for all the photos i posted on salla's fb!

how was the incredible car journey i meant to ask yesterday and forgot?
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Incredible car journey?
sorry, salla's incredible car journey she had to go on the motorway..
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Aha !
Bloody nervewracking I tell you. Although in the end, I only had to do the Heathrow to Truro run. I survived to tell the tale. The first hour was iffy as I had a car I'd never driven in before ( a flash 6-gear 2 litre 2010 Mondeo, so could have been worse), a man in the passenger seat I had only just met, & 3 excitable kids screaming singing & falling out in the back seat. However by the final 2+ hours, I'd become accustomed to it, and gained in confidence. I even managed to reach 90 in the fast lane without panicking. It made the Plymouth to Cardiff, Cardiff to Peterborough run seem a doddle!
I wouldn't volunteer to do such a journey again, but won't be so nervous next time.
Thanks fluff for remembering x
glad it went ok!

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Yo Salla !

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