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good morning all

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berniecuddles | 05:08 Thu 19th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
90 Answers
its dark and chilly this morning is it winter already?
hopefully bit of sun later things to do in the garden!!
have a good day and be safe all!!


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it's a special place of wonderful memories sara xx
that sounds lovely.. lucky you :o)
we all have that one special place dont wexxx
i cant put up a pic of mine its not there anymore.
It was a deralict cottage with a big garden full of apple trees where we went "scumping" as kids its now a morrisons !!!
well at least you can still get the apples then zzxxee
lol mick x
it looks a nice property mick
Morning all, bit late today but never mind. It's a nice morning her in Notts, a shame to waste it shopping but thats the way it is. zzxxee, last year went to pick sloes for the gin in an old derelict railway workers cottage garden and found that the whole lot had been ripped up, sloes, apples, pears and plums don't know why because they've done nothing with the site
lol, only if you know what it symbolises zzxee.
go on mick do share nudge nudge xxx

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good morning all

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