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gooooodnight aallllllll

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berniecuddles | 22:31 Thu 19th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
see you at 5am in the morning sleep well xx


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OK, be honest. Just how many of us are you really expecting to see here at 5am?

I need my beauty sleep!
(I've been needing it for over half a century. One day it might work!).
I have been here the last two mornings at 5 am as I have had trouble sleeping but don't think I will be tomorrow. The vodka is going down too well. Night bernie. xx
Whenever I post on the GMEB thread it is precisely because I have not yet been to bed. Beauty sleep Chris - que?
Night all, tara a bit, bonce dos - etc. ♥
Hey, guys x

5 am ...

Is that a foreign language ???
Night Bernie♥
who knows, we might do it again - g'nite 69.
Hi jj. No, it's just normally bedtime for me.
jj - I believe it is comparable in your terms to rien ne va plus ☺
Hi, Jan x
I'm going to bed too, I'm still laughing at the old threads that have been linked again tonight. Sallas Goodnight all thread and Mamyas Knobs and Knockers. So funny Goodnight all x
Thanks, ttfn.

night gran - sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
Some of 'em look so clean and talk so dirty!
Night ayg.

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gooooodnight aallllllll

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