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which 5 answerbankers would you

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zzxxee | 07:06 Fri 20th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
124 Answers
most like to be stuck in a lift with??
you can have more if you wish??


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zzxxee - I have noticed you are getting a lot of flack on here lately - not sure why, seems very uncalled for. xxx
and breeeeeeeeeathe zzxxee ♥
You are quite right. I don't always join in on these posts (unless the devil is driving me of course) As if ☺
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i take it with a pinch of salt den i dont know anyone outside ab we are all pixles end of !!!!
People who take it as a popularity contest and want centre stage all the time need to go out get some fresh air and get a check on reality.
The question was who would you like to be stuck in a lift with e.g i picked jj never met her but enjoy her banter not oh i like jj cos she is better than everyone else
come on guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! daft or what ?
hey zeee, no offence to you pet, don't allow yourself to get wound up babes...wasn't you I was having a pop at...lolx

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which 5 answerbankers would you

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