creeper [ˈkriːpə]
1. a person or animal that creeps
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Botany) a plant, such as the ivy or periwinkle, that grows by creeping
3. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) the US and Canadian name for the tree creeper
4. (Engineering / Mechanical Engineering) a hooked instrument for dragging deep water
5. (Engineering / Automotive Engineering) Also called cradle a flat board or framework mounted on casters, used to lie on when working under cars
6. (Team Sports / Cricket) Also called daisycutter Cricket a bowled ball that keeps low or travels along the ground
7. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Furniture) either of a pair of low iron supports for logs in a hearth
8. (Clothing & Fashion) Informal a shoe with a soft sole
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