Charity collection bags... in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Charity collection bags...

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janzman | 17:26 Sat 21st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
...In the past twelve months or so Ive seen a massive increase in plastic charity collection bags,to the point I kept a tally and in the last month alone FIFTEEN bags have been pushed through my letterbox.I have a couple of items here and there to donate but honestly if I donated to all I should have nothing and then I should become the recipient.Is it just where I live or do you have the same situation and if so what do you do with the bags.
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i collect all their bags for whenever i might need one and bring my stuff to the cancer charity shop...that way i know exactly where it has gone...
I have a carrier bag load of them jm. I get 2 or 3 most weeks. If I have been away for a week or more it is getting difficult to open the front door. And as for takeaway menus.....................tut tut.
Use them for the rubbish...
Since they're not collected as promised I deliver them to the nearest charity shop, even if its not the same charity - I've yet to have one refused.
I fold them up and cut them into shapes, they make excellent xmas decorations. It also saves giving to charity.
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I tend to pick and choose---British Heart Foundation -Marie Curie-NSPCC-etc but the ones that just say something like collecting for families in Eastern Europe-My natural cynicism kicks in and the bag becomes recyclable.
If you read the back of the bag it says that the company that sent it arn`t actually the charity but a private profit making company that only send a small donation from their profits to the said charity. I never use them as I think they`re a con. There was one going around here which looked like th British Heart Foundation and we all had a letter from the police asking us to phone them asap if we saw the collection van.
I get stuff from charity shops more now.clothes are cheaper & money goes to worthy cause
Well I'm sorry but I have never ever had anyone come back to collect one so I use them for rubbish.
I use them for rubbish too - got a draw full of them at the moment!

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