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my daughter has very red skin under the nail

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zzxxee | 17:29 Mon 23rd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
i have been told it might be a whitlow any other suggsetions
she says it feels itchy and hot it also has a slight pungent smell


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ewww sounds uncomfortable...

if its a fungal infection then your GP could prescribe something a bit stronger than you get over the counter...

I thought a whitlow was when you tear the piece of skin on top of the nail... (the cuticle)
I agree with nosha.
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im not sure nosha goggled some pics they all differ as does the written info
I know whitlows (or whatever they are called) can get infected - but they are the cuticle.. not the nail bed UNDER the nail....

if its smelly its definately something infected anyway!!! whether that be fungal or other!
pic of a nail whitlow from google...
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shes got an appointment with the practice nurse in the morning
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its kind of like that but around the edges of the nail and underneath
maybe its a cyst or boil???

ewww.. I have heard how they treat them!!!! Hot needle into the nail to release the infection!!! Ouch! Hope she is a brave girlie!
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well hardly a girlie at 19 but no she isnt brave very squeamish with needles !!!

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my daughter has very red skin under the nail

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