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where is brother billy?

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Bobbisox | 18:48 Mon 23rd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I thought he was going to join AB, I was quite looking forward to Brother Billy (:oP


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Hi bobbi.....Mrs sqad has just gone to her room, I have poured myself a glass of Glenrothes Special Reserve and I am going to settle down.
Goodnight my love.
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Goodnight yourself sqad, I will be pouring a nice Pinot Grigio out very soon and vacating my place at the keyboard....enjoy your evening x
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Oi I thought you were away to your caravan yerr
Butch it is 8pm here. The bloody cats will come in and pester me in about an hour, want feeding, so in the meantime I shall watch TV.
why dont you join mrs sqad in her room..?
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it does sound a wee bit like My wife has retired to the drawing room...ha-ha
cazz......we have separate digiboxes....she watches soaps on hers and I watch intellectual stuff on mine in my study e.g football, mistresses etc.
Question Author
I am gona a do a mrs sqad and watch the
mistresses...thers a suprise sqad...
bobbi...Mistresses......loved it........first and second series.......Richaaaard!
lol mistresses is like a soap, but in series format.

your all woman sqad ;) suppose it is, but I fancy the little Indian looking wench..........don´t fancy any of the others though.

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where is brother billy?

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