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Inside Nature's Giants

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Misky | 12:58 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
I was recording this by series, and thought the series must have finished when it disappeared from my list of Planned Recordings. At the end of the last one I saw though, he said "next week....". I remember this happened when this presenter was building a 4x4 as well. Can anyone help me find the next episode please?


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whats the last one you saw?
Question Author
The giant python.
the last one in that series is a lion and tiger, shown on 22 june.

you might be able to watch it on 4od
Question Author
Thanks for that - I didn't see the lion and tiger, and I recorded the one about the python just the other week. I wonder whether I've been watching an earlier series! At least I know to stop looking now though. Thank you.

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Inside Nature's Giants

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