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how did you pick your username?

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Bobbisox | 21:58 Mon 23rd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
87 Answers
I was Joy, real name before the famous flounce(s) I could be Joy 111 but I like boobisox or as Yogi calls me Boobisex :-0)


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Wanted an appropriate name for both nature and pagan the Rowan tree and am an aspiring witch... the Rowan bit will become my real name on 1st Seprtember this I am changing it by deed suits me far better than Annette my real name..
a play on my surname and the fact people tell me I'm bananas...

Bobbi - love your new avatar. Don't you think you went a little too far with that Geordie Rejuvination Cream?
Like the others I wasn't sure I would be staying but my name is a song title (not a very good song I might add) but at the time I was working in a record shop and it popped into my head. So far it has stuck.
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wow, Greedfly was here and I missed her...
wonder how th jobs going?
no worries Karenmac ♥
ttfn - are these your childrens names??

I've said before but hey ho, mine is a mixture of both my names

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how did you pick your username?

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