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mollykins | 11:28 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
I got 3As 5Bs 2Cs and a pass in ict.

The only things i'm happy with are maths, history and ict. Maths i've had 10 teachers, history i knda knew i weren't getting an A so weren't to disapointed with a b and we were told our ict work had been lost, but I got the pass, which I did in year 9.


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But I did get some a*s on exams, but just not overall.

Last year I got one in biology and one in ideas and evidence. And this year I got two in chemistry, one in biology and one in physics. I might have got more but they didn't break many subjects down very well so it's hard to tell.
Are your parents really that harsh molly? It's not as though you did badly.

Sara - well done to your lass x
Molly you could celebrate with your cousin
Molly, your results are just fine and your parents should be pleased with you. Once you have your A levels your O'levels will be forgotten and once you have a Degree your A levels will be forgotton And once you have a good job and are on the career path, your degree will be forgotten.

You have only just begun! You are doing well.
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Niamh lives near manchester and there aren't any I live near or see often. I saw one cousin at the weekend but before that I hadn't seen him since . . . christmas 2008.
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Well unfortunately loftie their not.
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Just ignore them Molly, they're probably jealous..
thanks salla x
sara, yes, well done to your daughter x
thank you Bobs x
Yes congrats to your daughter as well sara -it must be such a relief for her and you :)
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I actually got a* in chemsitry if you see my other thread, they made a mistake.
thank you Dris :o) x

she is relieved. apparently they had a table set up at school for those that had applied for 6th form, but had failed to get the grades.. what a shame for them.

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