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Tinned tomatoes for breakfast ...

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joggerjayne | 09:27 Wed 25th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
... or no ?


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On granary bread with lashings of butter - yes please
yes with
toast xxxx
With a bit of sugar added...
mmmmm fond memories, as a child we had tinned tomatoes on toast for breakfast on Sundays, go for it!!
tinned tomatoes are only good as an ingredient not as the main item, eeugh
Bleugh... :-/
oooh yes, with fried bread and eggs
I've got some mind-blowing chilli con soja if you want it, JJ.
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I could eat a couple of sausages, with some tinned tomatoes.

If Olive comes in today, I might get her to rustle something up.
I thought Olive was your cleaner? surely you can make your own breakfast?
Ooh, tinned tomatoes and crispy bacon. Yum.
Question Author
Olive does all sorts. She's fab.

She will do a bit of brekkie.
i prefer to get my oats every morning
Tinned tomatoes is easy Jayne, open tin pour out toms into small saucepan, cut off tops with sharp knife (I always do this) heat on very low, stir with wooden spoon now and again, pour out onto toast, sprinkle with salt and pepper and enjoy. :-) simple.

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Tinned tomatoes for breakfast ...

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