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Fao - Dustybun

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seekeerz | 23:58 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Not strictly a question but then - have you seen the owl children tonight ?? I haven't since Monday so maybe like Elvis, they've left the building. Oh dear, life's coming back to normal with a thud !! skz xx


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You've reminded me to go check the ospreys, steff - seems the youngsters have flown, I've not been on there so much since Lady started her long trail south a few days back.
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Just checked on them and there's one back roosting and hopefully the other will come back later
Ah - they thought last night that the juvies had gone and that only Dad was staying for a bit longer. I'll have a look in later!
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Sorry boxy - I'm getting my wildlife mixed. They think the juvies have gone, but I was meaning the owl child - one of them is back in the barn now

I haven't seen much of the ospreys for a week or more - gee it feels strange after all the time we spent watching and then we'll never know if the youngsters come back to the loch...ah well,there's always next year !!

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Fao - Dustybun

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