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I'm in a mess

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Nay35 | 12:31 Fri 27th Aug 2010 | Relationships & Dating
22 Answers
My Boyfriend and I have been together nearly two years but we seem to have stayed in the same stage of our relationship for the last year.

Got in touch with an old college friend who I had a crush on when at college (not any more) I found out he is engaged to a lovely girl. Then yesterday another old friend who I met on holiday many years ago emailled me and told me he has just proposed to his long term girlfriend at the top of the Eiffel Tower, (So romantic).

My bf is 6 years younger than me and says he is not ready for marriage and kids etc. Should I wait for him to be ready (by that time will probably be too old to have kids) or dump and move on. Problem is I love him so much and can't bear the thought of being without him plus I have my Son to consider too cos he adores my bf.


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thats nice ummm. when you say emmotional do you mean drunk? he he , cant remember how to do a smiley face
I'd had a few...wasn't too drunk though. I remembered it... :-)

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I'm in a mess

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