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Just Don't Set Fire To My Breath...

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NoMercy | 08:22 Sat 28th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I have the worst Vodka hangover in years.



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I hope you are feeling a bit better now :o
Question Author
I don't have a headache or 'owt like that. I just feel bleurgghh !

The others drank the same as me and they feel fine.
-- answer removed --
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I'm not glowing right now, but my hair is still long.

Bobjugs is in my mother's bed... that's no word of a lie.
err is your mom there as well .. :o
Question Author
No! lol.

She gave up her big bed and slept in my single.
Well I'm up and around and out of MumMercy's bed now.
I feel absolutely fine and ready o enjoy the day, unlike NoM lol
A good night was had it seems, morning has broken♫ It wasn't me Miss!
lol @ mummercy
I'll be honest, it was a lovely night, and I've been made to feel incredibly welcome. Dinner was amazing, and the drinks flowed ceaselessly.

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Just Don't Set Fire To My Breath...

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