anyone got any interesting hobbies?
i've never been a hobby person until fairly recently and i've taken up painting. am really enjoying it and have done 4 for various people who actually have them hanging on the wall....although i bet they get taken down after i've gone! i do abstracts and am currently working on a big canvas.
so, who's got the most interesting hobby?
i know what you mean BOO, it takes up a heck of a lot of my sons time. i don't understand anything about it but my husband is fairly knowledgeable although he himself doesn't play. family all worked on the Railways. They go back to the early 19th century, when they were farm labourers and when the Railways came to the East and Midlands in the late 19th century, the all moved off the land and moved to the GNR and later LNER where the pay was better, the work was less hard and housing was provided.
I'm in Perth - it was once a railway dominated town. My granddad, my dad and two of his brothers all worked on the railway. My dad was in Berlin during the air lifts for his little stint of national service and when he came back he joined the railway.
My brother was expected to carry on the tradition - but he is in IT in some 3rd world country called England. He is weird - he doesn't have a cat but has three children. And he says that I am the one who is crazy.
wolf....interesting. My railway family were in Peterborough, all labourers, my uncle worked on the Mallard at Doncaster. I was expected to follow, indeed I worked as a porter on Peterborough North Station, but couldn´t stand the "shifts" so packed it in LOL
painting is a great hobby ethandron, I do portraits and landscapes but prefer portraits, I dont get a lot of time for it these days, I also enjoy golf, photography, geneology and history. I am currently working on obtaining a patent for a device.
it involves all sorts of background information, reviewing footage, listening to tales etc.
the best bit is sitting in the dark with a night shot camera waiting to see if you have company. Sometimes nothing happens, sometimes a lot happens. The its back to try and recreate what happened, a lot of it is natural occurances or tricks of the brain.
sqad my grandfather was a lifelong railway employee and was based at Willesden Junction. For many years until retirement he worked on the footplate as the engineer and took the trains north until it was time to drive one back to finish his shift. Four of his sons followed him into railway work but none of them were on the footplate. I remember him taking me to the loco sheds on a Sunday morning when I was about 4 or 5........elf & safety wouldn't allow that now.
I enjoy sewing long baby gowns (aka christening gowns) but finding suitable lace is a problem; have searched the web with little luck. I wish more brides would wear long lace veils so I could use them for their baby's gowns.