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No more TINNED TOMATOES threads ...

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joggerjayne | 19:45 Tue 31st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Deal ?


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And Noel Edmunds talks to a tin of tomatoes at the other end of the phone
can we have threads on other tomatoes???
such as sundried or ketchup???
Does this mean all threads now have to be about fresh tomatoes?
I had homemade roast tomato soup earlier.
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You mustn't refer to ginger haired girls as "Red Box"

They can get very annoyed.

Mind you ... that's red boxes all over ... they have fiery tempers !
I can do fresh tomatoes! Got loads in my garden (ttfn now calls me Alan Titchmarsh to my face - showoff when she thinks I'm not listening)

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