I can't imagine how someone could do it! If it is out of pure poverty and inability to look after them, then there should be other options, but it doesn't seem that way here!
Filming it shows pride in doing it and whooooing as she does it! Sick sick sick!
I feel the animals are let down by Man. Some people really do care for animals and you can see it when you see their pets. The real problem are the one's that think animals are toys, not living creatures. These types are usually not much better at treating humans. So sad.
I my opinion, any charges brought against someone like this should also have their right to have children taken away! I wouldn't trust this person(s) with any living thing!
I'm pretty sure this one will be known for something even more horrific, saddly!
and you can pretty much guarantee that these people that are responsible for this kind of action would be the first to scream and holler if they had their benefits suspended or some other act against them. I am leaning more and more these days to the theory of "an eye for an eye"
possibly right Boo but I'm certain that they would have been bettre off alive with someone else than suffer the incredibly frightening experience of drowning. I cannot abide or condone any form of cruelty to animals especially those as defenceless as puppies.