What kind of money should i be looking to part with for a company to move our 4 bed house contents 10 miles to another 4 bed?. I have normally hired a van and done it myself but really can not be arsed with it this time.
Ring some local firms tell them how many beds etc for a free quote but normally they will want to come round and look what you have before they quote. I do find that if you under state things and say some stuff is not moving etc some going to charity it can save you a few quid but dont take the mickey and say huge things arent moving because they basically wont take it.
The distance (10 miles) is not the issue. What you require is unlikely to be able to be shifted into then shifted out of the van on the same day. So you are looking at 2-3 men for 2 days. Packing china and glass takes a heck of a long time - you can save money by offering to do that element and let them do the grunt tasks.
Cost me £775 four years ago for a 2 bedroomed house. They packed everything, and I mean everything.....they put all my clothes on their hangers into portable wardrobes and put them into the wardrobes at the new house. Reassembled the beds, installed the white goods etc.......worth every penny.
We're moving 200 miles on Thursday, 4 bedrooms, 1600 cu. ft. 2 day move, 3 men and we're paying 1300 which amazed me, I expected no change from 2500.
As well as coming round to assess stuff, they are also interested in the accessability, thank God for street view!
Get them to come and give you a quote. It's not the size of your house, it's how much stuff you have in it. My last move was more costly because I had so many boxes of stuff.