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good evening all

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zzxxee | 22:24 Thu 02nd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
hows your day been?


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hi barmaid x sounds like boyfriend is being a bit of a twit you have had a bad day and he buggers off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! typical male hey !!
Lol, my OH has just called, he has had his meal out and a bottle of wine and is 'feeling old' so is heading up to his hotel room to go to bed! Bless!
Hi zzxxee. Had a crap day. Hubby ESA benefit wasn't paid into bank so had to chase them. Apparently it was a "computer error". Had to phone about my DLA which has been stopped whilst my case is under review and they are waiting for a report from my GP, who I have been trying to get an appointment to see for the last two days. Waiting for an appointment for a CT scan. Now drowning my sorrows.
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hi jan sorry your having a rubbish day xx
He came home. Tried to stand up and then had to grab the kitchen door frame. Reckons he "only" had 5 pints.
Oh dear Jan and Barmaid - I won't go on about my day then, but I will join Jan - she has the right idea. Hi zzxxee.
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well i think you should go out tomorow and "only" have 5 pints yourself x
even I couldn't manage 5 pints (of brandy) - probably ;o)
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hi ttfn x
Lol barmaid. My hubby has bounced off the walls in the hall before and just said "I only had 4 pints, it's only because I haven't eaten". Yeh, right.
Hi zzxxee♥ I suppose ladies that is why hallways into homes are usually narrow to assist bouncing malkes when they have had 'a single drink with the lads'. If I had my way large cat flaps would be obligatory in all front doors so the males were in the correct position when returning home!
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lol ttfn

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