Sewing machine tension problem in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Sewing machine tension problem

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ChickLittle | 13:30 Thu 02nd Sep 2010 | How it Works
7 Answers
Can anyone tell me how to rectify the problem i'm having with my sewing machine tension? The thread was tangling on the back of the fabric and jamming the machine. I've adjusted the lower tension to be at it's tightest and now it's doing what's shown on the pic. I.e. loops of upper thread on the back of the fabric with the lower thread just laying through them.

I've changed so many things I'm scared of making it worse again. Can anyone help? Media URL: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs153.ash2/41012_431137260840_623570840_5315678_7130234_n.jpg
Description: Pic of what stitches look like
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Sorry I only do hand sewing...........why not ring the manufacturers.
Go to google, type in 'the make of sewing machine + tension problem' and you might find an answer.
I had to take mine to the shop in town to get adjusted professionally as the timing was off.Is your bobbin the same material as your top stitch? Maybe your thread just wasn't the right type for your original tension? Bobbin too tight??

Im not sure what the problem is, is it not picking up the bottom thread properly?
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Robinia - tried that I'm afraid but no joy as it's a cheap machine from Lidl (Lervia is the make). Tried general 'sewing machine tension' tips which is how I've got the improvement so far but I can't work out from the stitching what the actual problem is. That's why I thought a pic might help.

Goodsoulette - I *think* the upper thread is too loose but wanted a 2nd opinion from someone who, unlike me, knows sewing machines. The top and bottom threads are the same type.
Ive had this problem in the past and i realised i hadnt threaded the machine right , check yours
Thats bobbin tension, I think. Your bobbin should stay when you hold it upside down but unravel well and evenly if you give it a shake if you get what I mean. take it all apart give it a good clean and oil ( a la manual, you'll be able to find it online) set your tension to 4 and dont forget to rethread your bobbin too. You adjust the tension by adjusting the screw till it feels right.
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Just had a friend round to look at it and she spotted what me, my Mum and my Husband all missed. The thread wasn't in the right groove for the upper tension. I knew it'd be something simple!

Thanks for everyone's help.

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