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The F Word

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joggerjayne | 21:34 Thu 02nd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Don't click on this link if you object to The F Word.

Otherwise ... it's funny.

It's a real advert, with an "alternative" voice over.


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There was a feature about these modesty attachments in The Guardian a few weeks ago. That American advert is really cheesey, and deserves to have the p taken out of it.

Personally, I like going out in my jeans and a titty top.

I'm not exactly Mae West, but hey ... make the most of what you've got, yes ?
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I have lots ... and I do, LOL
LOL JJ How did you come across this? :-)
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Hi, Society x

There's a thread on here at the mo called "have they found her yet" about the girl who threw the puppies in the river.

I was Googling for any up to date news.

That website came up ... it's one of the sites that originally exposed the puppy woman.

There was a link to those "boob aprons" and I remembered seeing them in the paper recently, so I clicked on it ... and it was funny.
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"wouldnt this fake job be better is these women could see each other's cleavage and kiss" Brilliant.
Totally agree with the commentator, this will ruin man's ability to fully appreciate the visual delights of the female cleavage

Love the way he described it as a 'titkerchief'!

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The F Word

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