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God I love a bargain !!!

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NoMercy | 19:54 Fri 03rd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Just came out of the Coop with 2 bottles of pink champagne, 2 bottles of Sancerre, a whole chicken and 20 cigarettes.

First person to guess, to the nearest pound, how much that came to, wins...



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No, I'm the Domestic Goddess, Boxy. I've done previous threads about my shopping prowess.

Butch... cheerful as usual.
Phew, that's good, I thought for a minute you'd seen my ironing pile..... (or should I say ironing table)(or ironing dining room)
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Sorry for missing posts.

Dris... it's the Coop on Holme Lacy Road in Hereford.

Suez... they reduced trolley fulls of wine. Each bottle, regardless of original price was £2.99, whether Sancerre or Blue Nun.
I got a box of Sheba cat food in Sainsbury yesterday, reduced to £3.49 because the box was battered. My cats eat a lot of battered-box food, little perishers won't eat the really cheap catslop.
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Boxy... in stark contrast to my 4-legged fiend who will eat anything... yes, ANYTHING!

If I eat a banana, I have to share it with him. lol
My cats will eat anything, NoM, if we are eating it -- curry, spag bol, green beans - but put a bowl of pussyslop in front of them down in the kitchen, they turn their backs on it and stomp off with straight legs. Making their point.
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Boxy... Alf loves everything apart from cucumber and Sole. Those are the only two things he's ever turned his nose up at.
Is he a happy bunny now, NoM? He was off colour when you moved, all well now?
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Boxy... he returned to Spain with his Dad this week. I'm finding it a bit hard atm.
Ooo, I bet you are....
nil you knicked it lol
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Bernie... I did "steal" it, in a manner of speaking.

Boxy... it's only a temporary measure. I have to concede that he's better off with Tony for now, as I'm working (albeit for the time being) most days, thus I cannot dedicate enough time to him.

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God I love a bargain !!!

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