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Got told off today in Iceland, poor me!

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tigwig | 18:10 Fri 03rd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Well I had collected my 4 items and slowly walked to the checkout as I was carrying them in my hands and pushing a double buggy. As I approached a cashier was just opening a new checkout, brill I thought and walked straight up. Then a woman in her sixties I would say came up behind me with a very full trolley and said 'don't queue then will you'?! I said 'what'? She then said nastily that she had been waiting in another queue and I had just walked up to this one! I asked her if she really expected me to stand there and see if anyone else wanted to precede before me but she just said oh go on with you shut up. Grrr, how stupid are some people?


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Thats just it though, I didn't push in at all. The woman arrived behind me a good minute after me I was just paying! If it had been a situation where you are all running to get to the empty till and I had gone right in front of her than yes I would understand her annoyance but she was just angry cos I was lucky enough to not have to wait. Obviously she enjoys causing a scene.

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Got told off today in Iceland, poor me!

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