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Facebook rage! It's an issue.

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nellypope | 07:48 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I have had to deactivate my FB page due to rage. People's posts, while quite innocent, have started to drive me mental and I'm not quite sure I like what it was doing to me. Is there such a thing as FaceBook rage?


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sorry ummmm can't help it, i work with small children and the glitter will start to flow soon, i love it.
I hate it....hate it hate it hate it.
I wont mention it again then on here, i'll leave it on facebook. :S
This thread has made me very happy.

I don't facebook, and it looks like I am better off because of it.
Molly did you include today, i didn't. I take it's your birthday tomorrow then. Happy Birthday if i don't get on tomorrow. X
I have a fair few family on mine so we use it for sharing family pics so its handy for that (except I cant upload at the moment as I have PC/Lappy probs).That apart I bob on once or twice a day for any messages but I agree the running commentary on 'Well thats the ironing finished' etc does my head in.
Hopkirk.......I agree.......AB is enough for me!
I came off of Facebook a couple of years back (& it was hard to get off) but all the tittle-tattle all the insults, and downright rudeness that goes on is soo annoying, it spoilt it for people who just wanted to chill out and chat. Never again.
AB suits me fine.

you can just block particular posts that you don't want to see. I don't get any drivel.. well, apart from one friend ;o)
its when people put 'stupid pathetic cow you should grow up' 1. Why not name them 2. If you're aiming it at them why are they still on friends list 3. Oh theyre not, so why put it and 4. No you're pathetic putting it on facebook!
I used to be really addicted to it, playing all the games, but now I just catch up with people I don't see in person, i normally use my phone so I can't do much on that.
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Day one into Facebook cold turkey! . . . I feel it's going well. Totally agree, people should name and shame and have the balls to say what they're thinking rather than trying to draw people into their sad little existencies (oooh the rage is rising again) . . . plus I was getting rather addicted to Bejewelled.
Chill like Molly , nelly, you know it makes sense..:-0)
I'm with Hopkirk, I don't and I have no desire to. Why would I?

BTW my birthday is 4 days after Christmas - 115 days to go by the sound of it.
I might have a Mollyrage...bloody Chrimbo..pah!
sorry Molly pet x
I've already got all my Christmas cards bobbi, buying in stages is the only way I can afford it these days....
you can just block individual peoples statuses...just hover to the top right of one of their statuses and an x will on it and it will ask if you want to remove that tstatus, or all of the persons statuses from showing on your feed...just click yes

better than deleting someone or yourself as they dont know about it
ive just had to do it to someone who seems to think posting about 20 statuses a day featuring links to his favourite songs is somehow worthwhile...i doubt anyone gives a toss and bothers to look

you can also just block the applications from appearing anywhere in the same way i described above...

i have no apps showing now
nellypope, - you're doing well keep up the good work.
Just talk to yourself saying "NO I'm not going there" - NO I'm not going there" you'll be fine.

jem ♥

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