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England v Switzerland

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joggerjayne | 09:31 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Why, oh why, oh why ?


How is this one likely to go ?


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For 125,000 British Pounds a can call me "Shrek"..............or anything else.
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Okay, Fluffy, but ...

When he got caught shagging that prozzie when they were engaged, he was soooo sorry, I've been soooo stupid, I'm going to make our relationship work, etc.

She was going to break it off, but gave him another chance ...

... to go off and shag another prozzie.

So, wait for it this time ... "I'm soooo sorry, blah blah ... "

He's a rat and a snake.

If the thinks he will change this time, then she's just an airhead.

He wants to shag slutty girls who will "do anything and everything" (according to her), and he will never change, unless Coleen decides to let him give it to her up the bum and "shoot on her face" (which was apparently included in the £1,200 deal).
fine to all that, my point is what i'm saying is she's not a money hungry slapper, she's been with him since they were kids and she makes her own not inconsiderable amount of money

whether she stays with him or not is up to her but i don't think you can say is she stays with him is because she's after money, stupid and blind yes
Question Author
Yes, okay ... that is a good point, Fluffy.
McCluff.....well said.

He is addicted (as many men are) to [email protected] will grow out of it, but it is up to her to decide if it is worth waiting. There comes a time in one´s life when one is even fed up with "slappers", then is the time to find a gentleman´s club, play bridge and recount all you experiences with a degree of .........swatisfaction.
She makes a lot of money now, and good for her, but if she hadn't been a WAG would she have had the breaks that allowed her to do so?
joggerjayne. Coleen makes just as much money as wayne if you look into it! she is worth just asmuch plus half of what he has lol x
It's not as if he's emotionally involved ... I could forgive the pro...eventually but not a partner falling in love with another...and yes he probably will grow out of it....
FUTURE earning potential is far greater as Mrs. Rooney than Ms. McCloughlin.

Still, I hope she puts self respect before bank balance and leaves the scuzzbucket.
probably not sandy but at least she took the opportunitues offered and made something of it
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Would you want to turn up at a social function with a partner who, while you were carrying his child, had been off giving it up the bum to a prostitute in a nearby hotel ?

Or maybe dignity is not high on the agenda if you date footballers.
i wouldn't, i'd probably castrate him before throwing him out, but it's their life, who knows what's said behind closed doors, for all we know she could of said 'no way are you doing me up the bum, go see a prozzy and use a condom'

unlikely i know but....

<<Would you want to turn up at a social function with a partner who, while you were carrying his child, had been off giving it up the bum to a prostitute in a nearby hotel ? <<

Happens more times than you is only the "famous" personalities that are brought to light.
-- answer removed --
took you long enough, i wondered what had kept you
Don't believe all you read in the papers
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Oddly enough, Fluffy ...

In all the lurid descriptions of what this lady does, including an account from another of her clients, condoms have never actually been mentioned.

One of her clients said she had "stopped sucking me, pushed me on to the bed, and impaled herself on me"

No mention of ... "but only after pausing for a bit, while I first unwrapped some suitable protection, and put it on"
now i'm sure one article i read she said he always used condoms, who knows eh, i hope he did though
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Yes, I hope so too !

Mind you, he obviously takes it off at the last minute, if he does the "facial" thing that she claimed to enjoy so much.
By the way, When is this England V Switzerland game?
is it only on Sky?


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