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I'm on a mission..cos I am a Walrus.

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Bbbananas | 08:34 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
A Mission to get fit.
Starting next week.

I have signed up with a personal trainer (!) for a 6 week intense one-on-one session (no smut please, I'm British). Swim, gym (boring, but....), a healthier diet and a lot less alcohol.

Needs must.
All encouragement welcome.


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I've cut out cigs at the moment, because I have a dreadful cold. Can't really drink because of the meds/flu remedies and I'm having lots of healthy soups. So I am, inadvertently, living a slightly cleaner lifestyle at present. I'll support you all the way !
You might just enjoy it.... can't see you becoming jogger-sal though....but it gets easier the more you do...just find something you enjoy doing... for me its walking and swimming and wii fit
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I always swim - but not in school holidays cos I can't stand the brats getting in the way and splashing me. I cannot jog. I don't mind cycling. I have a wii fit but half the time I can't be bothered and read instead....

I have met my personal trainer. He's called Matt and he's in his early thirties. That in itself may be an incentive ;-)
Bog off, Butch.
Well I hope your personal trainer is a Hunk, it will make it all worthwhile then.
Good Luck, - Keep us up to date.

I had a free thirteen weeks with a personal trainer (well she was about to qualify and she needed a volunteer to write her final assignment on...) She was def. an incentive....and she taught me a lot... about being proud of what my body could do as well I ended up teaching her some yoga in return ... it really does help while you are trying to establish a pattern that works for you..
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I went for the personal trainer option rowan, because I just know that left to my own devices I will lose motivation, will make excuses for not going or for not stopping long, only do the exercises I actually quite like.....

I hope he's not too hard on me.
Good luck Sal! I've cut down the booze, fags and go to the gym. I've lost half a stone in a little over a week. I bloody HATE that cross trainer though. You WILL feel better for it though.
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I hope so.... ever since my heart op last Feb, I've vowed to do more exercise. Truth is however, I've had a very lazy decadent summer. with a birthday coming up, yet another, this time I am determined. I will keep you all updated with my progress.

But remember - this doesn't start until next week. (Tonight I'm at the cinema with Lil, preceded by a drink or two in the Moon Under Water. Cheap night).
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There is hard Butch, and there is hard....
good luck, have fun, i'll eat your share of cake whilst your doing it and drink the booze as well if you like?
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I didn't say I was giving up the booze.
Don't be silly.....
only trying to help :-)

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