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The Great British Bake Off

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joggerjayne | 20:13 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
... or some such nonsense.

I mean, seriously ... who can really be ar.sed with all that flour, and eggs, and whisking?

Life is too short !


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I turned over to "My House is Falling Down", lesser of two evils!
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I gave up and put on a CD.
JJ, I was under the impression that you enjoyed whisking through the Swiss snow.
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LOL stewey.

Or Italy ... or anywhere, really !
Me, I love baking (blushes) I have to say though, I usually do it before the start of the still have a bit of a life
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"before the start of the day" ?

So ... the day before ???
No, about 5am usually. My day starts when I I have to drag my harris up to the attic and start work
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So, you get up and ... bake stuff ??
makes a change, most people from Brighton prefer the Columbian snow.
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Not all of us, Chuck.

Not if da blues are abaat.

Oi ... you a nark, or wot?
Yeah,. some days I do, other days, I'll go into the garden and do stuff there, other days I'll sit and do a couple of crosswords....and some days I'll say Fluff it and stay in bed :o) but mostly I bake and make ice cream at 5am
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Speaking of bed ... Night, guys x x x
Night jj x
Why bother to watch?
No smell
No taste
Could be awful

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The Great British Bake Off

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