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nhs purchasing porn for sperm donors?

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donna1901 | 08:15 Wed 08th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
i have just red on the sun newspaper that the nhs are going out and purchasing porn mags and dvd's. even flat screen teles etc for sperm donors to use! so shocked beyond belief!! Thoughts please xx


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I could knock one out without the use of porn, I am so well practised that I can do a "one stroke Payday Loans" - the holy grail of Auditing
08:40 Wed 08th Sep 2010
I've hit 'R' earlier than expected... had a curry last night...
mmm, that'll get you in the Rs all right.
What do "bank" nurses do, exactly ....?
A bird in the hand is worth two on the Bush tv!
I used to work as a haematology nurse. When male patients were diagnosed with leukaemia, they were offered the choice to "bank" sperm as the treatment would make them infertile in the future. It was often imprtant to start treatment the same day as diagnosis, so there was a very very small window of time in which they could bank their sperm. After just being told they had cancer, and that if they ever wanted kids they had to produce a sample, you can imagine that any help they could get to do it was appreciated!
why not they pay for methedone for drug users and they are not even giving anything back to society, at least this helps to produce yet more lovely shiney happy little sprogs!!
This is how a Chinese Sperm Bank works:

what about IVF clinics? The 'donation' is not for medical research but more in order to make a baby therefore in an already intimidating environment assistance may be necessary.
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I was shocked that anybody would be shocked.
i can just imagine it now vibes in sperm bank porno in one hand bashing the bishop with the other hand and nurse joggerjayne in uniform holding a tin of tomatoes urging vibes on!!
mind-boggling lol
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I am surprised at your attitude donna, not all men can produce sperm in a sterile room especially with the knowledge that people know what they are doing in there, I would imagine it would make them nervous which would make delivering a sample difficult to say the least.
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LUSHLAR- your answer is by far the best and when you look at it like that i totally agree! And for all the comments judging me i must live a sheltered life i just red it and thought omg!! didnt sit back and have a cup of tea thinking about it!
we all know the reason for donating a sample donna quite rightly as lushlar said, it was just surprising that you could not get your head around the concept that these donors may need help in order to create the sperm samples
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caz- yes thinking about it now sitting in a room etc i just didnt think in depth like that. they are doing a great thing actually x

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