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What are you supposed to do realistically?

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tigwig | 19:55 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Whilst I was parked outside my daughter's school today a man got out of the car in front of me and seemed to be slyly putting a small bottle of vodka and an empty coke bottle in his boot. I know what it was I saw but I can't prove he was or had been drinking it. He is not someone I recognised and I didn't see who he picked up but he was definitely the driver of the car and going to pick a child up. My priority was collecting my child but in this situation should I have contacted the police afterwards? I did have his numberplate but would they really be interested 20 mins later? I was going to mention it to the head teacher but wanted to see who the child was first and I didn't. What would others have done?


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I think I would have left it. He might have a legitimate reason - just bought it, putting it in the boot so child wouldn't see - etc. No indication he'd been drink driving?
why does it matter who the child is? If you really need to get involved then regardless of who the child is go and see the teacher with the numberplate. I'd say its a bit too late now though. It may even be he was just moving it from the weekend or something so it wasnt in front of car
are you supposed to do anything? maybe if i had seen him swigging out of it, but putting a bottle in your boot is hardly a crime
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and there was me thinking you would be berated for being one of the school run moms driving not walking ..
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Ha ha cazz I used to walk to school before I became a childminder even though going home it's up a very steep long hill and the journey takes 25mins. Unfortunately I have a triple buggy now and there is no way I can do it! Most of the other parents live round the corner and still drive though.
It was definitely a vodka bottle and one that was over half empty at that but I'm glad that others don't think its such a big deal, I don't feel guilty now that I didn't do anything.
butch - what do you mean I like a good moan?! Not me, no I never moan lol.

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