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do you believe in life after death??

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zzxxee | 07:37 Wed 08th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
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over to you !!!!


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Were they able to have their conversations verified by hospital staff?
zzxxee...the last modality that disappears is sound and that certainly would explain the talking of hospital staff in an out of body experience.
Squarebear... yes !

Hospital staff confirmed claims made by the NDE subjects. It was a very fascinating article I read. If you ever come across material written by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, take the time to read. Very engrossing...
Agree entirely with Sqad with regards to explanations for near death experiences... I suspect there is a lot to learn in this area still (as in ghosts, ghoulies, apparations and beareded men in tunnels) but I don't doubt that the explanation will be entirely logical and plausible.

I personally think those that claim to have out of death experiences are just experiencing their brain shutting down, I don't know or understand how that works but it certainly makes more sense to me than the idea that a set of useless emotions that are exclusively yours live on after your body is worm food.
As Sqad mentions, hearing is the last faculty to go. Similarly the "tunnel of light" is the narrowing of vision as the eyes fail.

Many people were adamant that crop circles were created by aliens until the hoaxers exposed themselves. People like to believe all sorts of things.
Reincarnation is but one possibility of continuing existence. But to come back as B00 or anyone still living, one has not only to believe in being able to dip into any time period in this reality, but to actually already be the person you want to be "next time". That might put your mind in a twist :-)

As for near death experiences, there have been recorded instances of the near death survivor gaining knowledge about their surroundings that they could not have known. Such as things on the top of cupboards that could not have been in their normal sight. Dismissal is easy but difficult to justify.
Some people are in denial about their credit card statements too.
not at all. imagine how crowded that place will be by now??? also are there any restrictions as to who/what can be there? for example, would there be dinosaurs roaming all over the place? what about the carrots that I had for dinner the other night, will they be there?
I prayed for death yesterday after reading Grollykins threads and I passed away. I came back this morning so it must be true.
You're all mad and in total denial

Yours sincerely

Richard The Lionheart

Not back to ghosts again, I'm off.
I thought that life after death was just wishful thinking,.. now I know it is.

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do you believe in life after death??

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