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Just been outside...

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boxtops | 19:50 Wed 08th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
and it's nearly dark - and it's not eight o'clock yet!


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Turning Clocks back 31st Oct boxtops.......soon be Xmas !! ;-))
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Thank you for that cheery thought Redman. I was still clinging hopelessly by my fingertips to the notion that we might yet have a summer.
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ooo that means i get a longer birthday!!
Yep autumn is upon us, nearly time to get the winter boots and coats out. Draw the curtains pull up the chair to the fire (or the radiators) and plan Christmas dinner. :`¬`
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Nights are fair drawin' in...... I'm in when it's dark, butch, kinda limits me in the winter months, going to work in the dark, coming home in the dark too!
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