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Variation on a theme :)

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karenmac60 | 23:02 Wed 08th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Ok, we've had 'where did you meet your partner?' and 'have you given birth anywhere unusual?', but I don't think we've had this one. I've been married twice, once in the registrar's livingroom and the second time was on a boat - where did you get married (if you are/have been) ?


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the Dominican Republic, in a bar!
Ever so boring karen. Epsom Register Office.
First -church do.
Second-just the 2 of us Musselburgh Registrars with Harry the Jannie and Nicola the CA as witnesses.We eloped lol and it was ace :)
Liking the bar and the boat -care to elaborate both?:)
Rather tame here too, Bolton Register Office, no romance in the location but plenty in the marriage. ♥
First one - in a church.

Second one - on a beach in Jamaica. Much better ;)
Wandsworth register office....would have loved a bigger do but ex wouldn't give way as he was anti formal religion....
Next one will probably be another civil ceremony as both divorced....
1st one in a church, 2nd one registry office.

Next one in our wild garden I hope with all our dogs present!

September next year I'm told :-)

I havnt given birth yet and not looking forward to it!
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God, I forgot I posted this and went to bed - sorry! Dris, the boat is a moored steamer on Loch Lomond. It doesn't sail anymore but it's been refurbished and is hired out as a venue. It was great cos we had the whole boat to ourselves and everyone loved it - plus the money it cost to hire it goes towards getting her sailing again so it felt like we were doing something worthwhile rather than lining a hotel boss's pockets. (and the drink was cheap ;))

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Variation on a theme :)

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