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Hay ... Harrison ... Horrid

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joggerjayne | 10:37 Thu 09th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
David Hay was on the radio today.

He's got this boxing thing with Audley Harrison.

Audley is going to get duffed up really badly.

Should they let Audley do this? It sounds horrid.


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They're both grown men.
And he will benefit from it handsomely. Financially-wise.
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Ya, but he's going to get badly whupped.

It will hurt.
I don't like boxing. :-(
Love heavy weight boxing! He's a grown man, fully aware of the risks, leave him to it.

It's not like in any other boxing match it just 'tickled a little bit'.
I thought you meant David Hay the director, I thought he had no chance against a boxer! :)
Oh, but he's Hayman isn't he...d'oh!

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