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What was that series called?

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Uriah Heep | 14:33 Tue 06th Sep 2005 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
It was British and I think it was on in the late 70's.  It was all about people surviving after a major disaster.  Can anyone remember the name of it and who the leading actors were.  I seem to remember that the lead male died shortly after the series was made in mysterious circumstances, possibly a yachting accident of Alaska.  I also think he may have been ex Navy.  Any ideas?


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Possibly Survivors at all?  See also here!

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Thanks KebabMeister, spot on.

I'd go with 'Survivors' - some highly contagious, man-made bug is released into the environment by some careless micro-biologist and inflicts heavy losses on the world's population.

Can't remember any of the actors (it was a long time ago) but I remember some of the characters - 'Abby' (sp?), who in the first episode, cuts off her hair and sets fire to her house to escape the 'plague'.

Later in the series, (once some sort of a community of survivors evolves), there's 'Barney' who was mentally disabled. He sang a mean song about potatoes.
He ended up being falsely accused of rape and shot if I remeber correctly.

are you sure it wasn't "Eldorado"??? that was ONE major diaster!!!!

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What was that series called?

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